
The story behind the Valley goes back to 1728 when the valley was named after a slave called “Pelekanos” who gave an end to his life, inside the valley, for a big love. In the earlies 90’s butterflies start to appear inside the valley so the name changes to “Valley of Butterflies” and the river crossing the valley named to “Pelekanos”.

Some say that in 1930 Italians brought the butterflies at the valley, but the elder people who worked there, support that butterflies were there long time ago. Due to the dense vegetation the valley was inaccessible, so at 1928 Italians, who lived in the area of Kalamonas, started making the valley an accessible place for people to experience the great phenomenon of the butterflies overwhelming the place.

From then and now on visitors and butterflies coexist in the valley during the breeding season which starts in the early June and ends in the late September when the butterflies leave the place.

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